Stuck By Lighting
Software creates, helps complex structures such as wind turbines struck by lightning are venerable . Software creates the discharge may interfere with the electronic equipment within the turbine. As a result, software creates, engineers need to ensure that the most vulnerable areas of the turbine not exposed to potential strikes. This might cause the turbine to fail or sustain damage. As the cost of commercial scale wind turbines runs in the millions, optimization of the design is critical.
When approaching the simulation and analysis of turbine designs. Physical behavior is modeled to gain knowledge of the system without empirical validation. To analyze the real physical structures, customer geometry is simplified. This appropriates the level of detail for the numerical methods involved. Once the model is de-featured to further refine the geometry. Move it directly to COMSOL through the LiveLink interface to SpaceClaim. Which then fuses direct modeling and multiphysics in a tightly integrated environment.
Software Creates Effective Use of Time
Software Creates enormous amount of time spent on resources in making customers deliver the CAD drawings with the required level of detail. Which was a time drain and ineffective. Now with SpaceClaim, continuing to make edits and perform simulation as a continuous loop until we are satisfied with the results. This has saved at least 50 percent in time to model.
As a result, High-voltage or high-current testing involves the development of a test plan. The numerical modeling and actual testing, and the evaluation of the results. The technical paperwork of the test results includes design guidelines for the customer’s product. Final test reports, and the translation of requirements into application specific descriptions. Including very realistic visual representations of the product and recommendations created in SpaceClaim has made a big difference to Highvoltage. dk’s communications .
Software Creates 3D Drawings
In fact, software creates , enabling them to create software 3D drawings that clearly represent recommendations. Making it much more understandable. SpaceClaim has definitely improved the visual content of work. Additionally, SpaceClaim has enabled engineers to take on small design projects to help customers optimize the design of a small part, as an example. Prior to using SpaceClaim, new opportunities, very cumbersome, the right tool apparently not available to draw the part. Through Finite Element Analysis (FEA), is able to handle a broad range of complex tasks including modeling of lighting attachment points on large wind turbines, current distribution and electric potentials surrounding sacrificial anodes on offshore installations, and the design of high-voltage switchgear.
Therefore, Software Creates lightning protection of wind turbines has become mandatory. Increasingly customers look to to determine the necessary shielding of panels and cables . Foreseeing current amplitudes in shielded cables and other components. SpaceClaim has changed our business for the better and enabling to move more quickly and more creative in an approach to optimizing electrical applications.