The Internet of Things – IoT
Future Technologies mainstream by 2020 , the Internet of Things has kicked around amongst tech insiders as the next big innovation in home technology. In recent years, IoT has begun carve a niche for itself in everyday life. The growing adoption of systems like Google’s Home and Amazon’s Alexa. These devices will continue to integrate more aspects of the home into one harmonious system by utilizing the internet. Allowing a user to control anything from the air conditioning to their security via voice command and a small personal assistant.
Apple has announced its plans to roll out the HomePod this year. Samsung is reportedly working on their Bixby technology in order to compete with the success of the Google and Amazon systems. You will expect that one of these devices will be simplifying life in your home by 2020.
While large-scale innovation in automation has traditionally fully limited to the production side of society. Future Technologies Mainstream will have far reaching implications for consumers by 2020. Amazon’s automated grocery store, eliminating the need for cashiers. Future Technologies, mainstream by 2020 , the Internet of Thi
one of the first major tech triumphs of the year. The store has proven itself successful as an efficient alternative for shoppers in its first location. The current cost of this technology, however, puts it out of the reach of pretty much any other storefront. As the technology continues to develop, consumers will expect that pressure sensors and cameras that automate pay. Alleviating long lines in stores will come to groceries and pharmacies near you in the next couple of years.
Cryptocurrency – Future Technologies Mainstream
Along with major Initial Coin Offerings Future Technologies Mainstream have hit major news outlets like Etherium, smaller companies developed Stablecoins. Providing attempt to have all the pros of cryptocurrency transactions. In the past price fluctuations that have plagued the system. As these coins begin to work themselves out and exchanges even out the fluctuations in prices. Expect these assets mainstreamed as methods of payment by 2020.
Blockchain, the decentralized ledger that holds together cryptocurrencies, has applications reaching far beyond financial transactions. Companies have applied the technology to everything, from simplifying tracking, access to information in academia to interesting. Amusing games that use complex algorithms to create unique experiences.
Blockchain is a technology trend that I have covered extensively this year. Yet you’re still likely to get blank looks if you mention it in non-tech-savvy company, 2020 when that changes. Blockchain is essentially a digital ledgerused to record transactions but secured due to its encrypted and decentralized nature. During 2019 some commentators began to argue that the technology was over-hyped, perhaps not as useful as first thought. However, continued investment by the likes of FedEx, IBM, Walmart and Mastercard during 2019 is likely to start to show real-world results. If they manage to prove its case, will quickly lead to an increase in adoption by smaller players.
Artificial Intelligence – Future Technologies Mainstream
Artificial intelligence, which once may have seemed like something out of a Sci-Fi novel, is seeing the light. Applications of the technology are already satisfactorily worked on. In particular, with the rise of the Internet of Things. Information Technology and Cybersecurity firms have begun to adopt artificial neural networks in order to monitor and prevent DDoS attacks.
In addition, to its security applications, companies like Amazon and Google have begun to apply the technology to regular consumers. Thus, simplifying shopping and searching experiences on the platforms. With all the current progress of AI technology. It is reasonable to expect that by the year 2020 the innovation will be deeply entrenched in both business and consumer activities.
5G Data Networks – Future of Technologies Mainstream by 2020
The 5th generation of mobile internet connectivity is going to give us super-fast download and upload speeds as well as more stable connections. While 5G mobile data networks became available for the first time in 2019, they were mostly still expensive and limited to functioning in confined areas or major cities. 2020 is likely to be the year when 5G really starts to fly, with more affordable data plans as well as greatly improved coverage, meaning that everyone will join in the fun.
Super-fast data networks will not only give us the ability to stream movies and music at higher quality when we’re on the move. The greatly increased speeds mean that mobile networks will become more usable even than the wired networks running into our homes and businesses. Companies should consider the business implications of having super-fast, stable internet access anywhere. The increased bandwidth will enable machines, robots, and autonomous vehicles to collect and transfer more data than ever.
Personalized and Predictive Medicine Future of Technology
Technology is currently transforming healthcare at an unprecedented rate. Our ability to capture data from wearable devices such as smartwatches will give us the ability to increasingly predict and treat health issues in people even before they experience any symptoms. When it comes to treatment, we will see much more personalized approaches. This is also referred to as precision medicine which allows doctors to more precisely prescribe medicines. Applying treatments, thanks to a data-driven understanding of how effective they are likely for a specific patient.
Although, not a new idea, thanks to recent breakthroughs in technology, especially in the fields of genomics and AI. It is giving us a greater understanding of how different people’s bodies are better or worse equipped to fight off specific diseases. As well as how they are likely to react to different types of medication or treatment. Throughout 2020 we will see new applications of predictive healthcare and the introduction of more personalized and effective treatments to ensure better outcomes for individual patients.
Brainy Translations Tools – Language Barriers of No Consequence
Now, thanks to advances in real-time translation software, the dream of speaking to anyone regardless of language is closer to reality than ever. Experts say human translators will not loose work anytime soon. They’re vital for legal proceedings, diplomatic discussions, and scenarios when exact word choice and tone are necessary. New inexpensive digital tools allow people to speak easily in situations where communication once seemed impossible.
With software from the Austrian-based tech company iTranslate and a compatible set of wireless earphones, you can now have nearly 40 languages translated directly into your ear. But the tool doesn’t help users understand everything they’d hear on a crowded street yet. Currently, it’s focused on letting people speak with someone else using connected smartphones tethered to iTranslate-enabled earphones. This will facilitate basic transactions and everyday small talk between people who until recently were not privileged conversation.