Mechanical Engineering

Professional kitchen interior of restaurant. Modern equipment and devices made of stainless steel. Empty kitchen in the morning.

Ventilation Exemption Letter – Mechanical Engineers Help

A Ventilation Exemption Letter could be on the rise after the Shelter in Place /Social Distancing is released.

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Part 1 : Engineers Give Pros and Cons of Double and Triple Pane Windows

ave you decided to invest in replacement windows? What made you finally decide to take the leap? Was it the incredible energy saving benefits new windows offer? If so, you’re not alone. For a typical home, 40% of the annual energy budget goes toward heating and cooling costs, and replacing the windows in your home is great way to keep more of that money in your pocket. Since energy efficiency is such an important fact to consider when getting replacement windows, we are often asked, “How much better are triple pane windows than double pane windows at saving money on

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Medical Face Shields – 3D Printing

Helping the Medical Community – Have a 3D Printer? Medical Face Shields during the Th COVID-19 outbreak continues to expand globally. Information from healthcare organizations say that some distributors have placed certain types of personal protective equipment (PPE) on allocation, therefore, Basing the quantity of Medical Face Shields available to the healthcare organization on previous usage, not projected use.  This formula greatly puts the front-line health workers at great risk. Medical Face Shields simple in design, produced and assembled by hobbyists on their own home 3D printers.  Searching for a way to help the medical workforce?  Already have a 3D

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3D Printing of PPE to Alleviate the Shortage

3D printing is helping in this age of COVID-19. Printing automatic door openers and PPE Equipment for our Medical Force on the Frontline.

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Medical Robots – Role Expands

Medical Robots while in high demand, medical professionals seek hands-free ways to disinfect environments, helping contain the spread of coronavirus . COVID-19. Hospitals in China, for example,

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Hydrogel Adhesive: Healing Wounds

Cuts, scrapes, blisters, burns, splinters, and punctures there are a number of ways broken skin happens, Hydrogel Adhesive helps. Most treatments for skin wounds involve simply placing a barrier over them (usually an adhesive gauze bandage). This keeps it moist, limit pain, and reduces exposure to infectious microbes. A new, scalable approach to speeding up wound healing, developed based on heat-responsive hydrogels. Mechanically active, stretchy, tough, highly adhesive, and antimicrobial, active adhesive dressings (AADs). To close wounds significantly faster than other methods and prevent bacterial growth without additional apparatus or stimuli. This technology has the potential use not only

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Wearable Brain Interface: Controls Wheelchairs

Combining new classes of nanomembrane electrodes with flexible electronics and a deep learning algorithm could help disabled people wirelessly control an electric wheelchair, interact with a computer or operate a small robotic vehicle without donning a bulky hair-electrode cap or contending with wires.

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HVAC outside fan and heat exchanger unit

Alternative to Air Conditioning: Passive Paint-like polymer

Though great on a hot day, an air conditioner is expensive, consumes a lot of energy, and often requires coolants that deplete ozone.

Alternative to Air Conditioning: Passive Paint-like polymer Read More »

Engineers Develop “Iron Man” Suits – Coming to Factory Floors

Full-body exoskeletons will give workers super strength. What’s the most important things for people to know about the full-body exoskeleton, which can turn an assembly-line worker into a superhero?   Engineers have been working on this wearable robotics technology since 2000, when engineers began cobbling together experimental super-soldier suits for the U.S. Military. A 2010 prototype, which enabled the wearer to punch through wooden boards, earned the nickname “Iron-Man Suit” in the homage to the high-tech gear in the eponymous comic book and movies. But that bulky version kept the user tethered to the wall by a power cord, something that would

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Part 2: Business Engineers : 7 Things to Consider, Before Investing in a Personal Robot

So you’ve made the decision, robotics process automation (RPA) is for your business. You’ve winnowed down a list of suitable vendors and are ready to start some serious shopping. Great. But before you plunge right in, there are some final things to consider.  The following is a list of questions for would-be buyers to which they should give serious thought to before moving forward. They range from the existential — what role will your employees play as RPA expands within your organization? To the practical, such as training time frames. 1. RPA Tool Selection is Less Important Than You Think

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Wind Turbine

Six Innovative Wind Turbines

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ layout=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none” last=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all”][fusion_text] In this article we will review a few new wind turbine designs that are ready to advance the state of wind energy technology.  With refined technology, engineers have developed new devices that are more efficient, work in low wind conditions, can use wind and water energy, and safer for birds.  These problems provide abundant opportunity for solving design problems for mechanical engineers.  Energy storage, battery technology, and the

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Engineers Who Work With Solar

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