Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Analysis of Pipe
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
A finite element analysis of a pipe as the pipe restraint is tightened shows how the stresses develop in a pipe. This was a mechanical event simulation (MES), in which we were able to watch the stresses grow as the clamp tightened. The uni-strut is shown, but the pipe hangers are hidden for ease of viewing. This analysis was performed without heating. Other analysis were performed with heating, and the results compared.
Figure 1 below shows the distance that the clamp was tightened to induce the stresses, represented by the motion of a node in the matrix. Figure 2 shows the stresses that are induced after the clamp was tightened.

Figure 1: Displacement of bolt contact area over time
Figure 2: Maximum principle stress on clamped pipe
An important aspect in stress analysis is to understand when a part is experienced compressive or tensile stress. Some materials have different properties or strength depending on whether they are in compression or tension. If the compressive and tensile strength are the same no matter what direction the material is flexed, it is said to be isotropic. Those that have different strengths depending on how the bend is oriented are called anistropic.
The crack resistance of some materials is much lower in tension than in compression. Plastics fracture more readily when there is a tensile stress state. Even though one might think that a pipe clamp puts a plastic pipe under compression, that is not always the case. Due to the non-uniformity of the clamp mechanism, it can apply a local tensile load at certain points. Note the red zone above at the bottom of the pipe. That area is in tension.
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Finite Element
Decades of work in electronics, materials science, mechanical machinery, andsemiconductor technology has provided Glew consultants not only with a depth of knowledge and advanced technical skills, but also with valuable experience that they utilize every case. We also provide advanced modeling and finite element analysiscapabilities for all applications.
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