Engineers Who Work With Solar

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(Figure 1. Materials Engineers) 


Solar energy has seen record growth in recent years, leading to greater-than-ever demand for solar engineers. In fact, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, solar energy is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. According to a report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Engineers are one of the most sought-after occupations by employers in the solar power industry.” The industry requires a range of types of engineers, and many of them have skill sets and training particular to working with solar.

Materials Engineers

Materials Engineers (See Figure 1. Above) develop, process and test materials used in the solar industry. Some of these materials include metals, plastics, glass and semiconductors. They also work to create composites, which combine other materials to create new ones specific to solar applications. Materials engineers must have an understanding of chemistry and physics, and they must also be skilled at using computer modeling programs for the creation and assessment of materials. They do much of their work in a lab, experimenting and perfecting materials for solar energy systems.( Materials Engineer)

Some of these materials include metals, plastics, glass and semiconductors. They also work to create composites, which combine other materials to create new ones specific to solar applications. They do much of their work in a lab, experimenting and perfecting materials for solar energy systems.

Electrical Engineers

Solar energy is all about electricity, and Electrical Engineers  (See Figure 2. Below) Below)bring their expertise in the generation and management of electric power to the solar industry. They develop, design, test and manage the manufacture of electric components used in solar systems. They are also involved in the design of electric circuitry for solar panels, inverters, wiring systems and other supporting devices. They need training in traditional electrical systems, in addition to specialized training and certification in solar electric systems.

Electrical Engineers (Electrical Engineer) develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of electrical components. They are responsible for designing the electrical circuitry of solar panels and supporting devices for panels, such as inverters and wiring systems.

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(Figure 2. Electrical Engineer) 


Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical Engineers (See Figure 3. Below) work with the actual mechanical devices employed in capturing and transferring solar electricity. They develop, research, design and manufacture these devices, including panels, engines, machines, tools and other equipment involved in the installation and upkeep of a solar energy system.

Mechanical Engineers (Mechanical Engineer)   work with the actual mechanical devices employed in capturing and transferring solar electricity. They develop, research, design and manufacture these devices, including panels, engines, machines, tools and other equipment involved in the installation and upkeep of a solar energy system. The manufacture of solar photovoltaic equipment is often automated, and mechanical engineers are also responsible for the machines that manufacture the machinery and equipment that create and assemble the components of solar panels.

Industrial Engineers

Industrial Engineers have the big picture in mind, and they help to coordinate the overall implementation of solar energy systems in buildings and communities. They assess the needs of creating solar installations, including materials, energy, people, machines and information, and they work with contractors to ensure that a system is designed as efficiently as possible. They research sites, energy usage and needs, and system capabilities to make certain that a solar system meets the needs of clients and businesses. They also work directly the installers on the ground to ensure a project gets installed and up and running as planned.

Industrial Engineers increase solar manufacturing productivity through the management of people, the use of technology, and the introduction of more efficient processes in solar component production.

As part of the clean energy economy, Industrial Engineers: Study solar production processes carefully and devise ways to maximize their efficiency; Design manufacturing and information systems with the help of mathematical models; Research industry needs and barriers; and Manage quality control objectives to resolve production problems, maximize product reliability, and minimize costs.


Glew Engineering can meet most of your Engineering needs with Mechanical and Materials being their Specialty !  


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(Figure 3. Mechanical Engineering)

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