Engineering Technology Semicon West 2012

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Engineering and Technology move forward

Intersolar Blue/WhiteIt was a great week to have the Semicon West and Intersolar expo in San Francisco. Thousands turned out to see the newest technology in the solar, semiconductor and electronics industries. Everything from the latest in software to the future of manufacturing was on display.

Whether you are a mechanical engineer, CAD designer, or just a “tech geek”, trying to keep up with the technologies available today, having an expo like this to go to cannot compare. From the newest developments in electronics cooling to the latest designs in renewable energy such as solar and wind, you can expect to get some informative insight and explanations as to what is in use as well as what is to come. With me being somewhat new to the industry, I put on some comfortable shoes, grabbed my tradeshow bag, and headed inside to see what I could learn from this event.

The first thing you notice is the sheer size of the event. Tradeshow booths in all directions that seem to go on forever. People, like ants scattering around from one display to the next. The seating areas were filled with all types of people networking together, never mind if you were in your suite or blue jeans. Even the automated robot, caversing through the aisles seemed to just fit in as nobody seemed to stop and gawk, but instead treated it as just another body in the crowd.

One of the first booths that I visited was for AIXTRON™, a global leader in the manufacturing of advanced equipment pertaining to the deposition of semiconductor materials. Always striving to be an industry leader, they continue to develop and improve their deposition systems for compound semiconductors. I was able to get a brief overview into the advances of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) tools.

A few more stops and I was receiving information on everything from Photovoltaic Manufacturing equipment to Acoustic Microscopy technology. I am not sure that I completely understand everything I was hearing, but all of the representatives were more than happy to contribute to my bag, which was quite heavy come the end of the day.

Solor Engineering makes an impact

As I zig zagged my way through the rest of the exhibits, I was very impressed with what I was learning in regards to renewable energies. The information I received on Freiburg Germany was amazing. Located below the wind turbine covered Black Forest Hills, lays a solar paneled city that benefits from being one of the sunniest cities in Germany. The utilization of the renewable resources by so many companies working together is quite a blueprint for how we will be looking at not only how we see energy use now, but what is to come in the very near future. The impact of solar engineering advancement is being shown today, but has yet to really be reach it’s pinnacle of what can be achieved. I would urge everybody to do a little research and see what they have to offer.

I understand this has been a very brief overview of my time at the expo, but with all the pamphlets, brochures and DVD’s I received, I have a little less time on my hands, and a little more reading to do.


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