The Engineer’s Kitchen: Steak and Avocado Wraps

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Engineering A Quick Healthy Lunch

Avocado with Seed

One of the most common condiments to just about anything made in the Bay Area is the avocado. It is served on everything from salads to sandwiches to pizza. There are even avocado based drinks out there. Today I will use it in its simplest form as a compliment to our steak wraps.

With that in mind, it’s back to the grill this week on The Engineer’s Kitchen as I put the desserts aside. Today I utilize the grill and put on the steak, to engineer this weeks lunch blog. On the menu I serve up the steak and avocado wrap complete with tangy Dijon mustard vinaigrette and paired with a simple potato salad, this lunch is just right for the warm summer weather that we are having.

Steak and Avocado Wraps:

  • 8 to 10 oz. flat iron steak
  • 1 large avocado
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 head green leaf lettuce
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 low fat flour tortillas

Dijon Mustard Vinaigrette:

  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 5-6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • ½ teaspoon fresh parsley
  • Salt and pepper to taste

You can make your vinaigrette ahead of time and place in the refrigerator to chill until needed.  In a medium glass bowl, mix together the vinegar, mustard and parsley until combined well. Slowly whisk in the olive oil and continue whisking until all ingredients are completely incorporated. Add salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste.

Most recipes will tell you that the rule of thumb for creating vinaigrette is to use a ratio of three to one for the oil and vinegar.  My preference is a ratio that is closer to two or two and a half to one. Also, when using ingredients that have more powerful flavors such as the Dijon mustard, the need for an expensive olive oil is not that great as the flavor of the oil will be masked.

Now is the time to fire up the grill and get that heat up. While you are waiting for the grill to reach temperature you can prepare the vegetables. Peel and cut the cucumber lengthwise into ¼ inch wedges. Dice the tomato into large ½ inch pieces. Other than the avocado, place all of the vegetables in a large bowl and set aside in the refrigerator until you are ready to assemble. Peel and remove the pit from the avocado and cut into ¼ inch wedges when you are ready to serve to keep fresh.

Salt and pepper your steak to your taste and get it on the grill. As I have stated in a previous blog, grilling at high temperatures or using fatty meats tend to flare up and create potential carcinogens. To keep clear of these dangers, I used a lean flat iron steak that I only needed to get a quick char on before transferring it the foil covered side of the grill to finish cooking. After 2 minutes on each side to get my marks, I only needed about 6 more minutes on the foil before removing it and allowing it to rest for a short time before slicing.

On To The Assembly Line

To assemble the wraps, my preference is to toss the vegetables with the vinaigrette prior to assembly rather than just pouring it over each wrap as you tend to get more balanced flavors. Lay out a tortilla and place one or two pieces of the lettuce to cover the tortilla. Evenly place a quarter of the vegetables over the lettuce and top with slices of the steak. Roll tortilla, sealing one end of the wrap to serve. Present with a nice fresh side of potato salad to complete the meal as I did today and it makes for a quick healthy lunch.

You can substitute other types of proteins for the steak, as well as herbs in the vinaigrette to come up with many different types of healthy wraps to enjoy. As with all of my recipes, I welcome suggestions, comments or alterations that anybody finds helpful.



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