The Engineer’s Kitchen: Peach Cobbler

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Engineering Memorial Day Desert

Peaches In a Bowl

Over the last few weeks, we have shared some recipes in regards to the lunch menu here at Glew Engineering. While the weather is still beautiful and the grill is sitting there begging to be fired up, I am afraid that this week, due to business demands, (yes we do still run a business in between lunches) we are not going to be able to have our normal Wednesday company lunch menu available to share. We will be returning for our technical lunch time cooking blog next week, and we hope to see you back then.

So with Memorial Day approaching this weekend, I thought this would be a good opportunity to share with you one of my favorite deserts that has a minimal prep and cook time, yet retains that certain wow factor. This type of desert allows you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with company. The following recipe is pretty basic and allows for multiple tweaks and changes to suits just about anyone’s tastes. Please feel free to comment and let me know if there are changes that you have made or have questions about making. Any feedback and criticism is welcome.

Simply Delicious Peach Cobbler

What you will need:

6-8 peaches peeled and cut into thin wedges

¼ cup granulated sugar

1/3 cup packed light brown sugar

Dash of Cinnamon

Dash of nutmeg

Dash of allspice

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

2 teaspoons arrow root

1 cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

dash of salt

6 tablespoons butter, chilled and cubed

hot water

3 teaspoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C)

In a large mixing bowl, combine sugars, spices, lemon juice and arrow root. To remove the skins from the peaches, place them in boiling water for about 1 minute, remove and place in an ice bath. This technique will loosen the skins and allow them to come off easily. Slice the peaches and add to mixture. Gently toss to cover peaches completely. Let the peaches macerate together for about 5 minutes and then transfer mixture to a 2 quart baking dish and place in oven for about 10 minutes. This will allow the juice from the peaches to release and combine with the sugars to create a light simple syrup.

Combine flour, brown sugar, baking powder and salt in another mixing bowl. Cut in the butter using a fork or pastry blender. Make sure that the butter is cold ad you don’t over work it in this phase. If the butter is allowed to heat up and melt, the dough will become too dense and fall apart in the next step. Once the mixture is crumbly and coarse, slowly add hot water and mix until just combined and thick.

Remove peaches from oven. Using a large spoon, add drops of dough mixture to peaches until covered. Combine remaining sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle evenly over top and return to oven. Bake desert for approximately 30 minutes or until the topping is golden brown.

Let cobbler rest and thicken slightly. Traditionally, the cobbler is plated simply with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. To dress it up, I like to serve the peaches over vanilla ice cream in a large shallow bowl, top it with fresh sweetened cream and drizzle lightly with a caramel or chocolate sauce. I then and garnish with fresh mint.

Everybody at Glew Engineering Consulting would like to take this time to wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day.


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