CAD engineer

Computer Aided Engineering Methods

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CAE and saving costs

CAD engineerIn keeping in step with the ever changing advances of today’s technology, a licensed mechanical engineer, as well as engineers from the other disciplines, will use a multitude of computer software when working on a project. The use of these tools is described as computer aided engineering (CAE). When trained to use the many different CAE tools at their disposal, an engineer will be more accurate and more efficient, as well as cost effective to a potential client. We have previously discussed computer aided design (CAD) as one of those tools and how it works together with other software.

Finite Element Analysis has many applications

We have also discussed the use of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). A numerical technique used to analyze complex problems concerning stress, thermal management and mechanical forces, among other complications, for items or components within a project. Given the wide range of problems within a design that can be solved by using FEA techniques, finding an engineering firm that is skilled in the method, should be high on the list. An engineering team that utilizes FEA at initiation and in conjunction with CAD is one way to control costs on a project.

When the project involves a type of fluid flow, then computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be used to analyze and solve the problems. One situation where utilizing CFD is useful would be when working on a heat sink issue that involves convection or heat transfer through a fluid or gas. As electronic devices get faster and more powerful, the need for more efficient electronics cooling is constantly being developed and CFD software plays an integral role in this development.

Choosing the right engineering firm

These are just two brief descriptions of methods that are used in the process of successful product design. From concept to reality, a design will go through many steps in its development. Hiring the right engineering firm that makes use of all the latest technology available, is probably the most important decision made in the process. The right team of engineers will be able to solve the problems efficiently, eliminating the need to contact or source out the project and cause costly time delays.


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